First Gear! Let’s Go!

Hey, friends.
Good week.


Nah, just kidding, But hey! How’s it going! I love P days.

Things this week:

We did so much service! We helped a less active clean her house! It was so great! Cleaning is so satisfying and makes you feel so good! We also helped a member vacuum because she broke her wrist, and we helped another member juice apples! I felt so very homesick because I know that’s what my mom is doing this time of year as well. (That’s true, actually.) I just need to say how grateful I am to my mom for teaching me how to do so many things like cleaning efficiently and doing apples and washing the dishes by hand (I never realized, but I am a PRO!) Thanks for starting me young doing those kinds of things. I still need to build up a love of cooking. It’s taking a while.

But, no, juicing apples! We chopped them up and ground them, and the man of the house pressed them because he’s buff. It tasted so good! Homemade things always taste the best.

Wednesday night Sister Thompson and I had a CrossFit night with the Young Women! She’s an exercise beast! The other girls and I were lying on the floor sweating our brains out while our cheerleader is just like, “Come on! You can do it! Use your big girl muscles!” She kills me sometimes. Everyone always asks me if I work out as much as Sister Thompson does…. No. I.. I don’t. I need you to feel my bicep and then feel hers. I can’t do one pushup. BUT! I can bike up mega monster hills :))) I’m super impressed with myself! I know there’s gotta be some buff angel pushing my bike sometimes because my leg muscles are not THAT strong. I was so sore after the activity. We’d biked all around Fredericia that day too. Let me just fish flop onto my bike and find some strength left to get us to the train. But no, we actually had 11 mins until our train when we left the church. We got to the station and thought we’d missed it, but looked down the track to a tiny train that was supposed to have left 2 mins previous, but the train lady was just standing there, we don’t know why. She hadn’t blown her whistle yet. We hopped on the train and she blew it. I think she was sent from God. Seriously, there are angels in this world!

The other day we biked up Uhrhøj, a steep, but short hill, and Sister Thompson suggested we stop by a potential she’d found. We did, and the lady was pretty interested! Then we saw that her neighbor’s apple tree was full and we knocked on her door to see if we could help her pick them. She said that she didn’t want any of them but we could take some if we wanted! So we did. Nice green granny smiths, and we made the elders a pie for district meeting. It was a pie cake; we didn’t have a pie tin.

Saturday and Sunday, we had Aarhus Stake Conference! We slept overnight with the Aarhus sisters, Sister Woster and Sister Orr! Aalborg came down too. It was a party. SO many people I didn’t know. When you’ve served on Sjælland your whole life, the circles of people you know gets smaller, with missionaries too. But it was such a good conference. I felt the spirit so strong, stronger than I have in a long time. I love Denmark and Danish and these people. Good things happen in this wonderful place!

We met a woman, yesterday, who was in our former investigators book, who was the most entertainment I’ve had for the longest time. She pretty much acted out the garden of eden for us. She almost became a snake in front of our eyes. She reminded me of a mix between Mrs. Richardson, my choir teacher, and Bror Williamson. Good mix. She wasn’t interested, but I SO don’t regret stopping by. I love people!

Work isn’t going very fast. We don’t have any investigators. Vejle is a place waiting to be discovered, which is a good thing and a bad thing. Do I have the patience to keep searching? We keep telling ourselves that it’s ok if we’re just the seed-planters.

Whale, I’d better tie this up. Y’all are excellent! I love you.

Sister Fergie

Me: “A chair for you, and a chair for you! I’m Oprah!”
Søs T: “Everyone has a chair under their chair!”

Æ Howland: “I don’t know why, but sisters just lick things”

The World famous, Kemerey Thompson, ladies and gentlemen!

The World famous, Kemerey Thompson, ladies and gentlemen!

What is that

Apple Juice

Apple Juice

​Danish sunsets are the best!

​Danish sunsets are the best!

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